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Welcome!Brilliant Essence offers you; Astrology (Astro Brilliance), Psychic services, Spiritual Development, Hypnotherapy, Life Coaching, Reiki, EFT, Law Of Attraction classes, Mind Empowerment, Spiritual Counseling, Paranormal services and more! - Giving you the Power to BE!
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People & Resources
Astrid Stromberg
Spirit worker, Astrologer;Uranian/Cosmobiologist, Reiki Master, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Ordained Minister, EFT practitioner, Teacher, Speaker, Personal Consultant.

All scheduled appointments are a non refundable. In the event you cannot keep your chosen time, you may transfer it to another time slot 24hrs. prior to your original time allotted. Any changes made within 24hrs to your original schedule will be considered a new booking.

All new bookings must be paid within the hour of scheduling. If you have any trouble paying or scheduling, please e-mail

Brilliant Essence (including Astro Brilliance and Success Prep) are not responsible for the content of the information provided to the clients during any and all readings.

Astrid Stromberg, as an Ordained Minister, ministers all her services.

All readings provided by anyone other than Astrid Stromberg are of the responsibility of the chosen facilitator and neither Brilliant Essence, nor Astrid Stromberg, can be in any way shape or form made liable for the imparted services, information or lack thereof.

In scheduling an appointment, you understand and freely agree to these terms and conditions, as of those explicitely detailed on the Brilliant Essence website under "Terms and Conditions".

Thank you for your business. We hope to help you fulfill your dreams and exceed your expectations.

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After you choose a date & time, you will create an account with your details and complete the booking.

Your email address and password will then allow you to review, change and add appointments.

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